Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The Bode Plot

Using the experimental data, a bode plot was constructed to examine the dynamic response of the probe. It requires the performance of the probe as well as the frequency at witch the system was moving at. As I do not know the transfer function of the system, I will need to use the experimental data along. After searching online, I have found a fast way of plotting, this requires an input frequency and measures the output of the system under that specific frequency. By changing the input, a set of output can be obtained. Plotting the output against the input would yield a frequency response of the system. In order to get a Bode Plot, the output need to be log transformed.

My problem is that I do not have an steady output for a specific frequency. The system is constantly adjusting its output while the frequency increases continuously. The best I can do is to calculate an average of the output for a period of time while dividing the constantly increasing frequency into blocks. As there are more than 55000 data points to go through, this may take quite a while.

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